
hi!! I'm Ellen, i'm 21 and a super awesome amazing artist cough cough i'm currently in art school and i love games, illustrating, and character design.i've decided to open my commissions up now that im on summer break, for fun and of course, to fund my excessive riot skin purchasing good causes, such as my international internship!my setup: ipad pro / apple pencil / procreate

check my previous work on my socials!

commission status: open


before you request Please make sure you have read my terms&conditions, have payment method set-up and know what you want!terms&conditions i will not do anything from my nono-list, payment is 50/50, keep my watermark visible and do not claim as your own, commisions are for personal use only. i would like to post your commission to my social media, but if you would prefer i didn't please let me know! :)

#will & wont's

yes yes-list i will do nsfw, furries*, more than 1 character upon, basic/non excessive gore (blood, wounds), fandoms, oc's

no no-list i will not do mech, detailed fur, intricate backgrounds/scenes, excessive gore, problematic content

*i have only just started furry art, so this may not be my strongest suit, will be charged discount for starting illustrations until i've gained more knowledge. thank you if you're taking a chance!

#price sheet

single char.black&whiteflat colorfull render
half body€20€25€35
full body€35€40€50


extra charges 
extra character+€15 / €20 / €30 depends on style!
nsfw charge+€10
decorated bg+€10